The Translation and Polyglossia project will co-organise a double panel at the 2021 RSA virtual conference (April 2021). Organisers: Agnès Lafont and Laetitia Sansonetti:
The programme will be out soon:
Here is our lineup of speakers:
Panel “Figure of Polyglossia – 1”
1. Doomsday and language learning: John Clerk’s De Mortuorum Resurrectione (1545)(Presenter: Michele Piscitelli)
2. French Political Satire and the Textual Presence of the Commedia dell’Arte in Sixteenth-Century England (Presenter: Tom Roberts)
3. Polyglossia and Nonsense (Presenter: Hugh Roberts)
Panel “Figures of Polyglossia – 2”
1. English polyglot dramatic manuscripts and theatrical bookkeepers: what can be learned from their scribal practices? (Presenter: Daniel Yabut)
2. ‘Textual representations of foreign accents in early modern comedies’ (Presenter: Josefina Venegas Meza)
3. Passports to the Past? Polyglossia in Latin translations of Chaucer and Spenser (Presenter: Katherine Mennis)
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Laetitia Sansonetti (July 20, 2020). TAPE at the RSA – April 2021. Translation and Polyglossia in Early Modern England. Retrieved September 20, 2024 from